
​Jeanne Mette Goderstad
“Sign them in”- Proficiency-based surgical education: An advantage for patients, trainees and employers

Thomas Bjerregaard Bertelsen
Multifamily Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders. An investigation into the effectiveness and role of family accommodation and parental early life maltreatment.

Silje Andreassen
Cognitive function in patients with neuroborreliosis – a prospective follow-up from the acute phase to 12 months post treatment​

Haakon Ramsland Hol
Brain plasticity after cognitive intervention in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) evaluated by multimodal MR imaging in a randomized, controlled trial

Erik Mulder Pedersen
Earlybird – a new approach to vascular assessment

Tor Sunde
Long-term outcomes of behavioral group therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder in a general outpatient clinic. A long-term study of the impact of metacognitions, obsessive beliefs and early maladaptive schemas​

Bård Bertelsen
Conflict – concern – commitment. A study of parenthood in high-conflict divorce cases

Indra Simhan
Seeing and being seen - An investigation of video guidance processes with vulnerable parents of infants

​Knut Erik Mjaaland
The anterior approach in total hip arthroplasty. Assessment of the approach and comparison to other approaches

Elli Anne Blomkvist
Barns matmot 2.0. Diet, development, and food neophobia in early years. How to promote healthy diets in a kindergarten setting

Terje Ugland
Direct Lateral or Minimally Invasive Surgical Approach for Hemiarthroplasty in Hip Fracture

Heidi Fidjeland
Follow-up of cancer patients in general practice
Alexandra Hott
Patellofemoral pain. Treatment, outcome measures and prognostic factors

Erik Thomas Thortveit
Flåttbårne infeksjoner og selvrapporterte helseplager; en helseundersøkelse i Søgne kommune, Sør-Norge

Tore Buer Christensen
Towards a more valid and useful system for diagnosing personality disorders - Evaluating impairment of personality functioning by the SCID-5-AMPD-I

Tom Østergaard
An Investigation of the Effect and Processes of Group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Preceded by Attentional Bias Modification in Secondary Prevention of Depression

Karin Drivenes
Factors affecting shared decision-making in mental health care. A cross-sectional explorative study in specialist mental health care and addiction services

Per Arne Lidbom
Significant and meaningful moments: On the border between inner and outer dialogues. Exploring the interplay between inner and outer dialogues in significant meaningful moments of network therapy - A qualitative study

Hildegunn Seip
Playing our way: Participation, recognition and creativity as resources for growing up across cultures

Geir Thore Berge
Methods for automated structuring of health information for clinical decision support

Kristine Dahl Sørensen
Lived experience of avoidant personality disorder: How people diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder make sense of their everyday life and challenges

Rune Zahl-Olsen
Investigating couple relationships and change during couple and family therapy: A specific focus on domestic violence and work functioning

Geir Hausvik
Information Quality in Secondary Use of EHR Data. A Case Study of Quality Management in a Norwegian Hospital

Marianne Møretrø Flak
Computerized working memory training effects, brain findings, and gene variants in persons with amnestic and non-amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment

Bente Birkeland
Life situation when your partner has substance use problems: Quality of life and everyday experiences

Carina Ribe Fernee
Into Nature. A realist Exploration of Wilderness Therapy in Adolescent Mental Health Care in Norway

Mikkel Høiberg
Screening for osteoporosis

Nora Johansen
Late effects in women after risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy to prevent hereditary ovarian cancer: Cardiovascular risk, sexual functioning, and use of hormone replacement therapy

Adrian Pasareanu
Inpatient treatment for patients with substance use disorders: outcomes at 6 months follow-up for both voluntarily and compulsorily admitted patients​

Sist oppdatert 16.06.2023